Children's Ministry
Growing in Faith Together (GIFT) Children's Ministry.
Children and their families are an active, vital part of our church community.
Sunday mornings at 10am

A nursery is available during the worship hour for children who have not yet started school.
Children’s church is available for kids preschool – 4th grade immediately following the children’s sermon during worship in the fellowship hall.
All children of all age are ALWAYS WELCOME in worship. These ministries are available if your family would like to participate.
Children help lead in worship by acting as an acolyte, crossbearer, or providing music.
Children’s bulletins & worship bags are located near the entrance to the sanctuary for kids to create an artistic offering during the worship service.
Sunday mornings at 11am - Small groups
Nursery – for children who haven’t yet started school.
Children’s Sunday School – Preschool -4th grade

Sunday Evenings
5:00 - 7:00 PM
Come join us during the school year for a great time of fun and fellowship! Children will explore what it means to be a Christian in a fun and exciting way, while also enjoying food and games!